Tools menu commands

The Tools menu offers the following commands:

Export album Export the current album as text list, HTML page or contact sheet.
Picture convert & resize... Convert and/or resize pictures.
Publish on the Web... Publish the album on the Web.
Build a self-running album... Build an all-in-one application containing the album viewer, the album and the pictures.
Share pictures... Start sharing the pictures of the album on the Net in a NetMeetingāŒ conference.
Install screen saver... Install the MyAlbum screen saver as the default Windows screen saver.
Setup screen saver... Setup the MyAlbum screen saver.
Test screen saver Test the MyAlbum screen saver with the current album.
Run script... Open the editor to edit and run scripts (VBScript, JScript or other compatible script languages).
Customize... Add custom command to the Tools menu.
User defined command Commands created with the Customize command.